As a kid always admired the assorted kaju mithai wala dabba that my Dad used to bring home at Diwali time. The glitzy blitzy packaging, the delicious nutty delights were worth a year wait. These assorted kind weren’t a easy fetch then unlike the present times. So for this Diwali wanted to create the magic yet again by not buying them but by making the variegated with my own hands.
Though the thought was drool worthy its execution was a big question.But the moment it was put to action everything fell in place profoundly and eventually my mission was accomplished with utmost satisfaction!
Kesar Anjeer Roll in the following post, as this post was already exceeding the limit :P
Kesar Anjeer Roll in the following post, as this post was already exceeding the limit :P
Ingredients :
For Kaju Katli and Cashew Apple :
Yield : 12 pieces each
250 gm : Cashew powdered
90 gm : Non fat dry milk powder
180 gm : Powdered Sugar
1 tsp : Rose essence
2 to 3 tbsp : Water
Orange gel color
8 no’s : Cloves
For Kaju Custard Apple :
Yield : 9 portions
150 gm : Cashews powdered
100 gm : Powdered Sugar
60 gm : Non fat dry milk powder
1 tsp : Rose essence
2 tbsp : Water
Green gel color
For Kaju Pista roll :
Yield : 12 pieces :
150 gm : Cashews powdered
100 gm : Powdered Sugar
60 gm : Non fat dry milk powder
1 tsp : Rose essence
2 tbsp : Water
For Pista roll :
100 gm : Pistachios powdered
75 gm : Powdered Sugar
Few drops : Green gel color
2 tbsp : Water
Method :
For Kaju katli and Cashew Apple :
- To a mixing bowl add the sifted powdered cashews, powdered sugar and dry milk powder.
- Add the water, Rose essence and knead them to a non sticky dough.
- Place the dough ball between parchment papers and roll into thick sheet.
- Using a pizza cutter cut them into diamond shapes.
- Decorate the diagonals with thinned orange color as per taste.
- Take the rough ends and not so even pieces to the bowl, weigh and divide into equal portions.

- Shape them round for cashew apple.
- Place a clove inverted on top of each ball and press firmly to fit it in.
- Color the cashew ball with orange gel color giving it upward stokes with a painting brush.
For Cashew Custard Apple :
- Knead the similarly like we did for kaju katli and divide into two parts of 2/3 and 1/3 respectively.
- Scoop out nine portions of the 2/3rds and roll into nine round balls.
- Also separate nine portions of the 1/3rd.
- Roll out thin logs of each portion and pinch out tiny droplet sized bits of each log.
- Roll these into balls and press to stick them over to the big dough ball.
- Roll this between your palms to flatten them.
- Likewise roll and shape out the rest.
- Add few drops of gel color on one of your palm and roll the custard apple between your palms as shown.
- This way the color gets applied equally without any lumps and extras ,, a pro tip :)
For Kaju Pista roll :
- Knead the Cashew and Pista dough separately with the ingredients mentioned.
- Place the cashew dough ball between parchment paper and roll out a big rectangle.
- Run a knife and Divide into two.
- Separate the Pista dough into two equal portions and roll out thin logs of each.
- Place each log along the side of cashew layer.
- Holding one end of the parchment tightly roll it out to a log making sure there is no gap in between.
- Place it in the refrigerator for half hour.
- Later remove the parchment and slice out two inch pieces of each log.
- To a small cup add the orange gel color and thin it a bit adding couple of water drops.
- Using a small tip paint brush, decorate their tops to preference.
Few pointers :
1) Grind the cashews on pulse mode of few seconds each.
2) Sift the all the dry powders before using in order to avoid lumps and unground pieces.
3) Do not over the nut dough as it release lot of oil while doing so giving hard time in shaping.
4) Using the non fat dry milk powder yields dry and non chewy cuts of desserts.
5) Powdered sugar and Icing sugar are the same.
6) Addition of food colors can be totally avoided, I added for that extra oomph as usual :)
7) Kesar Anjeer Roll in the following post as this post was already exceeding the limit :P
Give this delicious assortment a try and do share your feedback :)
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